The Rise of Crunchy Moms: Embracing a Natural Parenting Style

by Tara Price

20th January, 2024

The Rise of Crunchy Moms: Embracing a Natural Parenting Style

In the world of parenting, there are various styles and approaches that mothers adopt to raise their children. One such style is known as being a “crunchy mom.” But what exactly does it mean to be a crunchy mom? How does it differ from other parenting styles, like silky moms? And where does scrunchy parenting fit in? In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the concept of crunchy moms, their beliefs and practices, and the growing trend of scrunchy parenting.

Understanding Crunchy Moms

Crunchy moms are mothers who embrace a natural parenting style and lifestyle in general. They prioritise organic and holistic methods, often avoiding modern medicine, processed foods, and reliance on technology. The term “crunchy” is believed to have originated from the association with granola, a popular food among those who follow a natural lifestyle. Crunchy moms are characterised by their commitment to the following principles:

  1. Holistic Medicine: Crunchy moms prefer holistic approaches to healthcare and may opt for alternative remedies, such as herbal supplements, essential oils, and homoeopathy, over conventional medicine.
  2. Natural Birth: They often choose unmedicated vaginal births, sometimes even opting for home births, in alignment with their preference for natural processes.
  3. Breastfeeding: Crunchy moms prioritise breastfeeding and may exclusively breastfeed their babies for an extended period, avoiding the use of formula or plastic baby bottles.
  4. Organic Foods: They advocate for organic and locally sourced foods, often making their own baby food from fresh ingredients.
  5. Cloth Diapers or Elimination Communication: Some crunchy moms use cloth diapers as an eco-friendly alternative to disposable diapers, while others practice elimination communication, which involves recognising and responding to their baby’s cues for elimination.
  6. Minimal Technology: Crunchy moms limit their children’s exposure to screens and technology, preferring outdoor play and creative activities.
  7. Eco-Friendly Lifestyle: They prioritise sustainability, using eco-friendly products, reducing waste, and promoting recycling and environmentalism.
  8. Home Education: Some crunchy moms choose to homeschool their children, believing it provides a more tailored and holistic education.

It’s important to note that while these principles often align with the crunchy mom label, not all crunchy moms follow each aspect strictly. Parenting is a personal journey, and each mother adapts these principles to fit their own values and circumstances.

The Difference Between Silky and Crunchy Moms

Mum on a laptop with two kids
Mum on a laptop with two kids

In contrast to crunchy moms, silky moms embrace a more modern and convenient approach to parenting. They are open to using technology, modern medicine, and disposable products. Silky moms prioritise practicality and may choose the following practices:

  1. Medicated Births: Silky moms may opt for medicated births in a hospital setting, relying on medical interventions for pain relief and a smoother delivery process.
  2. Disposable Diapers: They use disposable diapers for convenience, considering them a practical solution for busy lifestyles.
  3. Balanced Approach to Breastfeeding: Silky moms may breastfeed and supplement with formula or use formula exclusively, depending on their personal circumstances and preferences.
  4. Utilisation of Technology: Silky moms embrace technology as a tool for learning and entertainment, allowing their children to use gadgets and screens within reasonable limits.
  5. Conventional Medicine: They trust and rely on modern medicine for their children’s healthcare needs, including vaccinations, medication, and routine medical check-ups.
  6. Flexible Education: Silky moms may choose public schooling, private schooling, or a combination of both, depending on what they believe is best for their children’s education.

Silky moms seek a balance between embracing modern conveniences and ensuring their children’s well-being. They recognise the benefits of advancements in technology and medicine while still prioritising the health and happiness of their families.

The Emergence of Scrunchy Parenting

As parenting styles evolve, a new term has emerged to describe those who don’t fully identify with either the crunchy or silky mom label—the scrunchy mom. Scrunchy moms embrace a flexible and balanced approach, taking elements from both crunchy and silky parenting styles. They choose what works best for their family and adapt their parenting practices accordingly. Scrunchy parenting allows moms to find their own unique style without adhering strictly to a predefined set of rules.

For scrunchy moms, it’s about finding a middle ground that suits their values and aligns with their circumstances. They may opt for cloth diapers but also use disposable diapers when needed. They may prioritise organic foods, but they also allow themselves and their children to indulge in occasional treats. Scrunchy moms strike a balance between natural and modern approaches, choosing what resonates with them and their family.

Embracing Your Own Parenting Style

In the end, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting. Whether you identify as a crunchy mom, a silky mom, or scrunchy mom, what matters most is finding a parenting style that aligns with your values, suits your family’s needs, and promotes the well-being of your children. It’s essential to approach parenting with an open mind, embracing the aspects that resonate with you and adapting them to fit your unique circumstances.

Remember that being a mother is a journey of growth and learning. Embrace the style that feels right for you and your child, whether it’s rooted in natural practices, modern conveniences, or a blend of both. Every mother has her own story to tell, and by sharing our experiences, we create a richer understanding of the diverse facets of motherhood.

So, whether you’re a crunchy mom, silky mom, or a scrunchy mom, celebrate your unique parenting style and the love and care you provide for your child. Let go of judgement, support other mothers on their journeys, and remember that there’s no one “right” way to be a mother. Trust your instincts, seek guidance when needed, and enjoy the beautiful adventure of raising your child in a way that feels true to you.


Crunchy moms, silky moms, and scrunchy moms each represent different approaches to parenting, reflecting the diverse values and beliefs that mothers hold. While crunchy moms prioritise natural and holistic practices, silky moms embrace modern conveniences, and scrunchy moms find a balance between the two. The key is to find a parenting style that resonates with you, suits your family’s needs, and promotes the well-being of your children. Embrace your unique journey as a mother and support other mothers on their own paths. Remember, there’s no one “right” way to be a mother; it’s about finding what works best for you and your child.

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